How to Create an AWS Lambda Layer for Python 3.12 with Specific Dependencies
When working with AWS Lambda, managing dependencies can be a bit tricky, especially for packages that require native libraries or are platform-specific. One solution to this is to use Lambda layers. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to create an AWS Lambda layer that contains necessary Python dependencies, such as langchain, sqlalchemy, pymysql,…
How to Create a Python Virtual Environment: A Step-by-Step Guide
Introduction In Python development, managing dependencies and ensuring a consistent environment across projects is crucial. This is where virtual environments come in handy. In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a Python virtual environment, explain why it’s important, and show you how to manage your dependencies effectively. What is a Python…
Simplify DynamoDB Operations with AWS SDK for JavaScript: Mastering GetCommand, PutCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand
The AWS SDK for JavaScript is a powerful tool that provides the DocumentClient class, enabling developers to interact with Amazon DynamoDB more efficient and streamlined way. By handling data types automatically and abstracting away the lower-level details of working with raw DynamoDB items, DocumentClient simplifies data manipulation for developers. With the GetCommand, PutCommand, UpdateCommand, and…
DynamoDB using Node.js and AWS SDK v3 using DocumentClient.
Meta Description: Learn how to connect to Amazon DynamoDB using Node.js, the AWS SDK v3, DocumentClient, and Command Classes. Boost your app’s performance with this efficient approach to CRUD operations. Article: In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to connect to Amazon DynamoDB using Node.js, the AWS SDK v3, DocumentClient, and Command Classes for efficient CRUD…